Thursday, August 10, 2006

(I am) Nobody's Lunch

by Emma Drage

Was 9/11 a US government conspiracy? How do we know Hitler really existed? These are just a few of the questions posed in this quirky political satire. Composed from real life interview responses, the show combines verbatim theatre with musical cabaret to create a fast moving performance that is as funny as it is intellectually stimulating. It’s a very topical production with the issues raised about the reliability (or not) of government and media as relevant to contemporary Britain as they are in the US, where The Civilians hark from. Moving, thought provoking, and sometimes hilariously silly, this captivating production about reading between the lines will lead you to reassess the boundary between truth and lies.

Assembly @ George Street, 4 - 28 Aug (not 14), 3:15pm, prices vary, fpp 174
