Tuesday, June 1, 2004

The Village Voice Obie Awards

The Civilians was awarded a prestigious Village Voice OBIE grant at the 49th Annual OBIE Awards ceremony, for Off Broadway theater, held this year at Webster Hall. Since the mid-1980s, The Village Voice has provided grant money, which the judges award each year to deserving theater groups and individuals. These grants have enabled the winning recipients to continue producing groundbreaking theater. Civilians' Artistic Director Steve Cosson was presented with a check for $3,333, from the judges, by OBIE co-host, actress Swoosie Kurtz. Cosson specifically thanked the people who have presented and developed The Civilians' work including Joe's Pub and the Public Theater, New York Theatre Workshop, The Belt Theatre, HERE Arts Center, Cherry Lane Theatre, Dixon Place, Chashama, La Jolla Playhouse and Performance Space 122.

Swoosie Kurtz's award speech read:

"According to its theme song — and we wish more theater companies would provide themselves with theme songs — this company thinks pretty hard about stuff. They decide on a subject. They do little and mostly inconclusive research. People bring snacks. And then... they make a show of it! In its brief history, this company has already created cheerful, cheeky works about geese, French revolutions, wives of dictators, and stuff that gets lost. Do they rock? You betcha. In recognition of their irreverent reportage and uncanny approach to documentary theater, the judges have awarded a Village Voice OBIE grant to The Civilians."

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